Childhood cancer awareness is an annual event that takes place in September across the world.
The Rwanda Children’s Cancer Relief is conducting the awareness for the third year.
As part of this year’s campaign, the organization will conduct awareness outreaches in different parts of Kigali.
MUTABAZI Jean Claude in charge of Activities coordinator in this campain said
A lot has been lined up During this 4 weeks; including joining the village of Rwinyange (near La Palisse Hotel Nyandungu) in Umuganda on August 27th and thereafter briefly teach about childhood cancers, we will do multiple outreach campaigns in hospitals, churches and secondary schools to educate children and parents about childhood cancers, their signs and symptoms and what to do when cancer is suspected. We are doing more online and social media campaigns to bring the issue to everyone's attention and virtually participate or join us in this noble fight. We are having more talk shows on Radio and TV stations to spread the message to the furthest ends.
On Friday, September 23rd, 2016, we will have our annual "Walk against Childhood Cancers" in Kigali Central City, departing from the National Statistics Institute of Rwanda at Muhima towards Car Free Zone and be followed by a Charity concert to raise funds to help children living with cancer to get treatment Childhood Cancers are on rise in Rwanda than we think, claiming lives and denying a good future to our children at a serious pace. Fighting it needs a collective effort and one loud voice to send a clear message that if we work together to raise awareness, if we detect them at early stage, if we dedicate ourselves to this cause, we can beat children's cancers and save lives of our little angels. It is to this end that, we cordially invite you to join us in the "Walk against Childhood Cancers" on September 23rd afternoon, from 2 to 5pm. MUTABAZI added.Mark Hagenimana, in charge of fighting NCDs and cancers at the Rwanda Biomedical Centre, said there is a need for more campaigns about childhood cancers.
"Cancer is a big problem that Rwandans are facing today. Awareness about the disease is still low. There is no official statistics of people who suffered cancers, but at least 500 children who suffered from cancer were received at Butaro Hospital over the past two years,” Hagenimana said.
Hagenimana also noted that despite efforts to fight NCDs, the diseases are on the increase.
“Much effort is invested in fighting different kinds of diseases though we still have some which are on the increase like cancer among children and adults,” he said.
NCDs are also called lifestyle diseases and include diabetes, hypertension, heart diseases, cancer and stroke.
He highlighted the causes of cancer among adults, including insufficient physical exercise, smoking, among others.
“The problem is that the causes of cancer in children are not yet well known. We sensitise citizens about symptoms because when cancer is detected early there is hope for cure,” Hagenimana added.
Janvier Kabogo, executive secretary of Rwanda Children’s Cancer Relief, said the organisation also supports families with children suffering from cancer.
“We started with community service in order to inform people about the childhood cancer awareness month. During the month, we will conduct outreaches in hospitals and schools so that everyone knows what children’s cancers are and how to prevent them,” Kabogo said.
He called on people to seek early medication instead of using traditional medicines.
“People are not aware of cancer signs. Whenever such signs appear, they think of witchcraft. This leads them to use traditional medicine,” said Kabogo.
“Our aim is to create awareness and inform the people. We also want to register children with cancer and support those who need special treatment.”
Fill out the registration form for the 3rd RCCR Awareness Walk on Childhood Cancers that will take place on Friday 23rd September, 2016 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm from National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda to Car Free Zone
RCCR is a non-profit organization founded in 2011 by then young enthusiastic Medical Student who really wanted to give back what they could to the society. After rotating in pediatric oncology ward and appreciating how children living with cancer lived, they decided to start an organization that would help these kids live a better life despite living with cancer. The core of the organization is made of these young now Medical Doctors but as Healthcare is not only a clinical matter ; the organization is open to professionals from different walks of life related to healthcare in a way or another. Below is the Administrative Board in RCCR.
Posted on BAZA MUGANGA by RUTAYISIRE François Xavier
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